Access Your Email in Outlook 2016 or 2019 for Windows

The following instructions will assist you in adding your email address into Outlook 2016-2019 on any PC that is connected to the UNR network via Ethernet cable. You must be logged into the computer with your NetID for Outlook to find your email address. 

If you are off campus, or the computer does not automatically connect to your email, please submit a ticket

Accessing your Employee Email in Outlook 2016 or 2019

If this is the first time you have launched Outlook 2016 or 2019 on your machine, please follow these instructions. 

  1. Click on the Windows icon in the bottom left-hand corner of your machine to access the start menu. 
  2. Find Outlook 2016 or Outlook 2019 in the program list. Click on the icon to run the program. 

    Screenshot of the Windows start menu with a red box around the windows start button, a red box around the Outlook 2016 icon, and a red arrow pointing towards the Outlook 2016 icon.
  3. Outlook will now ask that you set up a profile name. This can be anything, though OIT recommends something simple like Exchange. Click OK.

    Screenshot of the New profile Outlook window with a red box around the OK button and a red arrow pointing towards the OK button.
  4. You should now see the Add Account window. Make sure that the email address field reads and click Next 

    Screenshot of the Add Account Outlook window with a red box around the E-mail Address field, a red box around the Next button and a red arrow pointing towards the Next button.
  5. Outlook will new begin to configure your account. Once you see the green check mark next to each of the three fields, click Finish.

    Screenshot of the Add Account Outlook screen with a red box around the finish button and a red arrow pointing towards the Finish button.
  6. Outlook will now launch. Verify that Connected to : Microsoft Exchange appears in the lower right hand corner of the window. Your email address is now ready to use.

    Screenshot of the Outlook window with a red box around Connected to: Microsoft Exchange and a red arrow pointing towards Connected to: Microsoft Exchange.

Removing Your Outlook Profile

  1. Open your start menu and search for Control Panel.
  2. Once in the Control Panel search for Mail
  3. Open the Mail (Microsoft Outlook) option.
  4. Select the Show Profiles... button
  5. Select the Outlook option and hit Remove. 


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