Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office is available to all active students and employees of the University and includes Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, Word, Excel, SharePoint, and other Microsoft apps. The Office suite can be accessed online via the Office 365 web portal or as desktop software installed on your University-owned Mac or PC. Currently, Office 365 is the preferred version of this software package. Other versions of Microsoft Office may be installed for special, documented reasons.

Microsoft Office 365 is an ever-evolving software suite with changes and feature updates occurring regularly which may change the look-and-feel of certain programs, especially in regards to the online web portal. For a complete list of the latest updates please check out the What's New Feature Page on Microsoft's website. 

Office for Home Use is also available to students and employees for use on personal devices.


Office licenses obtained through the methods below are active only while you are attending, employed at, or affiliated with the University. 

Access and Support

Get Microsoft Office 365

  • University faculty, staff and students are given a Microsoft account when their university email is created

Access Microsoft Office 365

Request Support

Use the Software and Online Apps forms for eligibility, access, and installation issues. For limited app-specific support, please refer to the following pages: 

M365 Administrators only: Refer to the M365 Administration category. 

Custom User Guide

Microsoft Office 365

Additional Information

The version of Office installed by the Office of Information Technology contains the following software titles:

  • Access - database
  • Excel - spreadsheet
  • OneDrive - cloud storage
  • OneNote - note organization
  • Outlook - emails
  • PowerPoint - presentations
  • Publisher - brochures
  • Teams - communication and organization
  • Word - word processing


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