Box Apps for University Computers (Windows Only)

The University currently supports three Box applications for use on University Computers:

These applications can be installed using the Software Center, without the need to contact the OIT Support center and without the need for administrative rights. 

How to Install Box Applications Using Software Center

  1. Open up the Start Menu and scroll down until you see the folder Microsoft System Center.

    Screenshot of the Windows 10 Start Menu with a red box around the Microsoft System Center option and a red arrow pointing towards the Microsoft System Center option.
  2. After you click on the folder, select Software Center

    Screenshot of the Windows 10 Start Menu with a red box around the Software Center option and a red arrow pointing towards the Software Center option.
  3. When the Software Center appears, click on any of the three Box applications. 

    Screenshot of the UNR Software Center with a red box around the Box Edit for MultiUser option and a red box around the Box for Office and Box Sync x64 options.
  4. To begin the installation of the application, click on Install

    Screenshot of the Box Sync x64 Application Details page with a red box around the Install button and a red arrow pointing towards the Install button.

How to Log in to Box Applications

  1. After the application is installed, go into your Start Menu and launch the application. 

    Screenshot of the Windows 10 Start Menu with a red box around the Box Sync option and a red arrow pointing towards the Box Sync option.
  2. No matter which application you open, you will see the Box login screen. Click on Use Single Sign On (SSO). 

    Screenshot of the Box Sync Login page with a red box around the Use Single Sign On (SSO) option and a red arrow pointing towards the Use Single Sign On (SSO) option.
  3. Enter in your email address ( for employees and students EXCEPT active students enrolled prior to Fall 2024 who should use their and click on Log In.

    Screenshot of the Box Sync Login window with a red box around the Log In button and a red arrow pointing towards the Log In button.
  4. You will be redirected to the NetID Login page. Enter in your NetID and password and click on Sign In.

    Screenshot of the Box Sync Login window with a red box around the Sign In button and a red arrow pointing towards the Sign In button.
  5. Once you have logged in successfully you will see the Welcome to Box Sync window. Click on Start Syncing.

    Screenshot of the Box Sync window with a red box around the Start Syncing button and a red arrow pointing towards the Start Syncing button.
If you have any issues installing or logging into Box applications on your University computer, please submit a NevadaBox Support request 
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